Mr G Watson
Primary Phase Leader
What is your position in the Academy?
I am the Primary Phase leader, which means I make sure that everything that needs to be done on the primary site gets done.
What age do you think you will be when you retire?
I will be 65. It won’t be any sooner unless Mr Brown will let me.
What are your hobbies?
I really like watching football, going to quizzes, playing computer games and having fun.
What were your top three subjects when you were at school?
In primary school I really liked doing maths.
In secondary school I learnt about Classical Civilisations.
At college I liked history.
When did you start your career in this Academy?
I started this Academy in September 2001 when it was Top o’ th’ Brow Primary School.
Have you had any previous jobs?
Yes, I used to be a wholesale delivery driver and a newspaper packer. I had to get up really early in the morning, which is especially horrible in winter!
The Teacher Profile is brought to you each half term by Tomiwa. Watch out, next edition: Mrs Schofield
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